Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

1st day inspection

here is my first issues...

topics: should we end prohibited relationships with our boy/girlfriends wether they're worth it or not....

so,in my opinions....if we had decided to make a closer relationship with someone(ex:dating),and we already take a commitment to become couple,why should we end it someday? i think,girlfriend is enough just one,so is wife,though it's hard to pass a day together with her/his,but believe me,if we believe in our decission,we'll through it all....but the problem is,so much people state desire as love,so what i'm going to issued is,
do u think,love is worth find and fight for?

2 komentar:

  1. we could end a relationship because we have to
    but we couldn't end a relationship because we want to


  2. makes sense...but let me ask,will those words come from you if you're the one who's being hijacked?
